AGI to solve disease

A University of Oxford deep-tech start-up that responsibly applies Artificial General Intelligence (causal predictive & generative AI) to deliver decentralised mission-driven solutions to everyone today

Hybrid AGI enables scalable predictive Intelligence-as-a-Service

OIA’s vision is a world where the power of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is used first and foremost for meaningful purposes. For OIA and world experts in logic and computability, AGI is about ultimate optimal prediction and less about simulating human behaviour, as with chatbots.

AGI was solved theoretically by mathematicians (Kolmogorov, Chaitin, and Solomonoff) in the late 1950s in the same workshop at Dartmouth in the U.S. where the term AI was coined. This type of causal and optimal predictive AGI is a generalisation of all other AIs, including Generative AI and human best reasoning capabilities, but was hard to exploit until recently because of the computational resources required, recalling the difficulties that neural networks once faced.

OIA’s founder, whose Ph.D. thesis advisor was one of those mentioned above who solved AGI, is the world leader in the validation and application of this type of powerful AGI that has found applications in areas ranging from cell and molecular biology to business intelligence, for which he and the company have won several prestigious grants and prizes (US, UK, Sweden, and UAE).

Having to their credit more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, in some of the most prestigious scientific journals, validating OIA’s AGI inference engine as developed by OIA’s founder at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, we are addressing what we believe are some of the most pressing challenges of the human condition, from antibiotic resistance to inflammation and cancer.

Developed by OIA, Algocyte® is a suite of AGI-driven solutions that enable remote digital endpoints in healthcare pathways to understand the dynamics of health and disease.

OIA’s Algocyte®, with two medical device patents granted in the U.S., learns and builds biological digital twins based on users’ data. This is a version of the individual’s baseline against which to track deviations and test hypotheses for differential prediction—an early detection system based on our AGI inference engine to help people remain healthier for longer.


Access to

enriched patient longitudinal records



super accurate labelled repository of normal and pathological single-cell images for AI training purposes



peer-reviewed papers
validating OIA’s science

Access to


diagnosis & clinical data points



mechanistic, explainable, and interpretable computable models and testable scientific hypotheses



innovation & AI prizes beating companies such as Microsoft, Accenture, and Etihad in international competitions

Fully sponsored and produced by the highest-impact scientific journal, Nature, this video, based on our peer-reviewed publication in the same journal,  explains OIA’s causal and model-driven approach to Artificial General Intelligence.

Algocyte’s universal input devices

  • We aim to place a fully automated portable lab in every home to monitor people’s health from anaemia to infection to cancer to auto immune diseases

  • Data collection: Capable of ingesting multiple data streams from multiple types of data-generating and testing IoT devices

  • Collects & deals with multiple sources of data, including multi omics (genetics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics and proteomics)

  • An open platform on which commercial & academic solutions can be developed and deployed by software and reagent updates

  • Automation tools for classification and triaging

  • Can enable detection of early signals for better and faster responses

  • Can monitor & learn from users over time

  • Advanced AI-reasoning & predictive capabilities

  • Can provide links to specialised guidance

Generative AGI diagnostics

Leading AI-driven solutions built using generative and predictive Artificial General Intelligence, traceable and explainable, particularly useful in areas such as biotech and healthcare but licensed across several industries, including Fintech.

Proprietary technology based on years of research at Oxford, Cambridge, and Karolinska, the institution that awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Built on 3 key pillars

Algocyte® is an AGI precision diagnostics platform providing proprietary quantitative risk assessment scores

Quantitative Precision

Prediction, Prevention and Early Detection

Professionals can analyse users’ results relative to personalised norms, triage, and flag concerning trends

Individualised Learning and Monitoring

The Algocyte® platform learns from each user based on a digital twin baseline and builds their personal profile allowing forecasting, prediction or diagnosing

Want to find out more?

In our downloadable PDF, we share the in-depth science behind our breakthrough product. Delve into the specifics of our leading precision & predictive platform.